# Introduction

The Docamatic API is a RESTful API based on HTTPS requests and JSON responses. The API provides 6 main endpoints:

You can create PDFs and images with no code by using our Zapier integration .

# Quick Start

Here are some code samples to get you started. All requests must be made over HTTPS and must contain your API key in the header as a bearer token.

        // Ensure you have node-fetch installed: npm install node-fetch
import fetch from "node-fetch";

const url = "https://docamatic.com/api/v1/pdf";
const token = process.env.DOCAMATIC_API_KEY;

async function convert() {

    const response = await fetch(url, {
        method: "POST",
        headers: {
            "Authorization": `Bearer ${token}`,
            "Content-Type": "application/json"
        body: JSON.stringify({
            source: "https://news.ycombinator.com",
            format: "A4",
            media: "print"

    const json = await response.json();


        # use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Http;

        $response = Http::withToken(config('services.docamatic.key'))->post('https://docamatic.com/api/v1/pdf', [
            'source' => 'https://news.ycombinator.com',
            'format' => 'A4',
            'media' => 'print'

        $data = $response->json();

        $headers = [
    'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY',
    'Content-Type: application/json'

$data = [
    'source' => 'https://news.ycombinator.com',
    'format' => 'A4',
    'media' => 'print'

$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, 'https://docamatic.com/api/v1/pdf');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode($data));

$response = curl_exec($ch);

if (curl_errno($ch)) {
    echo 'Error:' . curl_error($ch);
} else {
    var_dump(json_decode($response, true));

        # gem 'httparty'

    # app/services/docamatic_service.rb

    require 'httparty'

    class DocamaticService
        include HTTParty
        base_uri 'https://docamatic.com/api/v1'

        def initialize
            @options = {
                headers: {
                    'Authorization' => "Bearer #{Rails.application.credentials.docamatic[:api_key]}",
                    'Content-Type' => 'application/json'

        def generate_pdf
            body = {
                source: 'https://news.ycombinator.com',
                format: 'A4',
                media: 'print'

            self.class.post('/pdf', body: body, headers: @options[:headers])
        require 'net/https'
require 'uri'
require 'json'

uri = URI('https://docamatic.com/api/v1/pdf')

response = Net::HTTP.start(uri.host, uri.port, use_ssl: true) do |http|

  request = Net::HTTP::Post.new(uri)

  request.content_type = 'application/json'

  request['Authorization'] = "Bearer #{ENV['DOCAMATIC_API_KEY']}"

  request.body = JSON.generate(
    'source': 'https://news.ycombinator.com',
    'format': 'A4',
    'media': 'print'



puts response.body
        # pip install requests

import os
import requests

data = {
    'source': 'https://news.ycombinator.com',
    'format': 'A4',
    'media': 'print'

headers = {
    'Authorization': f"Bearer {os.getenv('DOCAMATIC_API_KEY')}"

response = requests.post('https://docamatic.com/api/v1/pdf', json=data, headers=headers)


# Authentication

The Docamatic API uses API keys to authenticate requests. You can obtain your API key from the API Key page, found here: Go to My account

Your API key is like a password - please keep it secure

Authentication to the API is performed using the Bearer Token method in the Authorization header. All API requests must be made over HTTPS.

        Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY

# Rate Limiting

By default access is limited to 120 requests per minute. When reaching the rate limit you will receive a HTTP status code of 429 . If you need to make more than 120 requests per minute please contact support.

# Response Codes

The status of a response can be determined from the HTTP status code.

Code Status Description
200 OK Request successful
400 Bad request Request was invalid
401 Unauthorized User does not have permission
403 Forbidden Request not authenticated
405 Method Not Allowed Incorrect HTTP method provided
408 Request Timeout The request has timed out
415 Unsupported Media Type Response is not valid JSON
422 Unprocessable Entity Valid JSON but error encountered
429 Too Many Requests Client is rate limited
500 Internal Server Error Server error, please try again later or contact support

# Document Storage

Docamatic gives you full control over how long your documents should be stored. If your document is returned as base64 it is not persisted to storage.

You can configure how long documents should be stored through your dashboard: Go to Account Settings .

For those on a free plan, documents can be stored for up to 48 hours. Customers on a paid plan can store documents for up to 14 days.

If you make use of Docamatic's cloud storage, documents are automatically deleted forever after your desired storage period. You can delete a document at any time using the delete endpoint.

Save to your own Amazon S3 bucket

Docamatic also allows you to save documents directly to your own Amazon S3 bucket. This simplifies the integration process and also ensures data privacy.

You need to update the bucket policy to allow Docamatic write permissions. You can obtain a sample policy from the dashboard: Get S3 Bucket Policy .

After the bucket policy has been defined you can specify the s3 parameter in your request. The s3 parameter requires the region in which your bucket is located and the bucket name. The path parameter is non mandatory.

Example request:

    "source": "https://my-site.com/invoice.html",
    "s3": {
        "region": "us-east-1",
        "bucket": "mybucket",
        "path": "invoices"

# Zapier Integration

Docamatic's integration with Zapier allows you to easily connect with thousands of other apps. The integration allows you to auto generate PDFs and images, then perform custom workflows on the documents generated: Setup Zapier Here

# Webhooks

If you specify the webhook parameter within your API request, we will send a POST request to your webhook endpoint when the document has been generated. The JSON posted to your endpoint will contain a URL to the generated document.

Example request:

    "source": "<html>Report...</html>",
    "webhook": "https://my-site.com/webhook",

Example response:

    "document": "https://docamatic.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/prod/34e1e099-e58d-887c-955d-82c0cbbeefde/464f5c96-174b-4a24-a1d5-fc84a2861fxr.pdf",
    "transaction_id": "464f5c96-174b-4a24-a1d5-fc84a2861fxr"

# Endpoints

The Docamatic API is accessed by making HTTPS requests to a specific version endpoint URL. The base URL for the API is: https://docamatic.com/api/v1 . The following endpoints are available:

URL Method Description
/pdf POST Generate a PDF document from a URL or HTML
/template POST Generate a PDF or image from a template
/image POST Generate an image/screenshot from a URL or HTML
/write POST Add text, images, QR codes and barcodes to an existing PDF.
/encrypt POST Password protect an existing PDF.
/delete DELETE Delete a document or image from storage
/credits GET Get a summary of API usage for the current billing period
POST /pdf
POST https://docamatic.com/api/v1/pdf

This endpoint allows you to generate a PDF document from a URL or HTML. The source parameter is the only mandatory body parameter. All other parameters are optional. Example requests can be found below this table.

Parameter Type Description
source string A valid URL or HTML.
media string Generate PDF using screen or print css media. Valid values are screen or print.
format string Paper format. If set, takes priority over width or height options. Valid values are Letter, Legal, Tabloid, Ledger, A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5.
margin_top number Top paper margin.
margin_right number Right paper margin.
margin_bottom number Bottom paper margin.
margin_left number Left paper margin.
margin_unit string Unit of measurement for margins. Possible values are:
  • px pixel
  • in inch
  • cm centimeter
  • mm millimeter
width number Paper width. If format set, it takes priority over width.
height number Paper height. If format set, it takes priority over height.
unit string Unit of measurement for width and height. Possible values are:
  • px pixel
  • in inch
  • cm centimeter
  • mm millimeter
landscape boolean Paper orientation.
test boolean Create a test document that does not reduce your production credits. Document created will have a "sample" watermark.
encode boolean Return the document as a base64 encoded string. Documents over 4MB cannot be returned as base64. If over 4MB a URL will be returned instead.
webhook string A valid URL where we will send a POST request containing a JSON result. Your webhook should return a 200 status code.
zoom number Scale of the webpage rendering. Defaults to 1. Zoom amount must be between 0.1 and 2.
disable_backgrounds boolean Don't print background graphics.
grayscale boolean Generates the document in grayscale.
header_template string HTML template for the print header. Should be valid HTML with following classes used to inject printing values into them:
  • date formatted print date
  • title document title
  • url document location
  • pageNumber current page number
  • totalPages total pages in the document
footer_template string HTML template for the print footer. Should use the same format as the header_template .
page_numbers boolean Insert page numbers into the footer of each page. Ignored if footer_template has been set.
css string A valid URL pointing to a CSS file or a valid CSS string. Allows CSS to be injected to the page before the document is generated. Please note if supplying a URL to a CSS asset it must be publicly accessible.
prefer_css_page_size boolean Give any CSS @page size declared in the page priority over what is declared in width and height or format options. Defaults to false, which will scale the content to fit the paper size.
page_ranges string Paper ranges to print, e.g., '1-5, 8, 11-13'. Defaults to the empty string, which means print all pages.
accept_cookie_warning boolean Accept cookie consent notifications prior to generating the document. Unable to target all notifications by default but works for most. See click_elements for manual targeting.
click_elements array Click button or link elements. You can specify which elements to click by specifying the element's CSS class name or the text value of the element. For example, clicking two elements, one by text value and the other by class name: ["Button Text", ".button-class"]
name string A descriptive name for your document, visible from within the dashboard.
auth object Allows a document to be created if source URL has been protected behind basic HTTP authentication. Requires:
  • username
  • password
s3 object Allows you to save directly to your own Amazon S3 bucket. Requires:
  • region
  • bucket
  • path (non mandatory)
See Document Storage for example .

# PDF Example 1

The following request will create an A4 document using a URL passed via the source parameter. We have set the media type to print so that the resulting document will be generated using the CSS print rules that have been defined at this URL. We have set top and bottom margins on the page. As we did not specify margin_unit , margins will use default unit cm.

    "source": "https://news.ycombinator.com",
    "format": "A4",
    "media": "print",
    "margin_top": 2,
    "margin_bottom": 2
        "document": "https://docamatic.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/48jKiT339w/11262019/341d581a-e6cf341a364e.pdf",
        "size": "85.79 KB",
        "success": true,
        "transaction_id": "341d581a-fe8c-425b-9c8c-e6cf341a364e"

# PDF Example 2

The following example request will create a 4x6 inch PDF test document using HTML passed via the source parameter. By setting the encode parameter to true, we will receive the resulting document as a base64 string.

    "source": "<html>Hello World!</html>",
    "width": 4,
    "height": 6,
    "unit": "in",
    "test": true,
    "encode": true
    "document": "base64 string.......",
    "size": "11.29 KB",
    "success": true,
    "transaction_id": "a5a7cc95-1b9e-45ae-a23d-04baa3ef4e86"
POST /template
POST https://docamatic.com/api/v1/template

This endpoint allows you to create a PDF or image from one of our predefined templates. Take a look at the templates before you start. Each template has an example JSON request.

Parameter Type Description
template string A valid template name ( see templates here ). Possible values are:
data object Data to be passed to the template. See template detail for example requests. All elements within the data object are optional.
file_type string Determines what type of file will be generated. Possible values are:
  • pdf
  • png
  • webp
  • jpg
format string Paper format. If set, takes priority over width or height options. Valid values are Letter, Legal, Tabloid, Ledger, A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5. If the template you are requesting has a fixed size, this parameter is ignored.
width number Document width. If format set, it takes priority over width. If the template you are requesting has a fixed size, this parameter is ignored.
height number Document height. If format set, it takes priority over height. If the template you are requesting has a fixed size, this parameter is ignored.
unit string Unit of measurement for width and height. Possible values are:
  • px pixel
  • in inch
  • cm centimeter
  • mm millimeter
landscape boolean Document orientation.
test boolean Create a test document that does not reduce your production credits. Document created will have a "sample" watermark.
encode boolean Return the document as a base64 encoded string. Documents over 4MB cannot be returned as base64. If over 4MB a URL will be returned instead.
webhook string A valid URL where we will send a POST request containing a JSON result. Your webhook should return a 200 status code.
quality float A value between 1 and 3. The higher the value the better the PDF/PNG quality. Please note increasing the document quality makes the resulting file size larger.
grayscale boolean Generates the document in grayscale.
page_numbers boolean Insert page numbers into the footer of each page. Only applies if generated as a PDF.
name string A descriptive name for your document, visible from within the dashboard.
font string Use a custom font from Google. Browse available fonts: https://fonts.google.com . Font name must correspond exactly. Example values:
  • Lato
  • Open Sans
  • Nunito
  • Source Sans Pro
font_size number A numeric value between 0.5 and 1.4. Defines base font size.
font_color string Hex color code. Defines font color.
s3 object Allows you to save directly to your own Amazon S3 bucket. Requires:
  • region
  • bucket
  • path (non mandatory)
See Document Storage for example .

# Template Example 1

The following request will create a conference badge as a PNG image. By setting the encode parameter to true, we will receive the resulting document as a base64 string. We have also specified that a custom font be used.

    "template": "conference_badge",
    "file_type" : "png",
    "encode": true,
    "font" : "Nunito",
    "data": {
        "logo": "https://docamatic.s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/assets/360_logo.png",
        "qr": "10257877877",
        "first_name": "Casey",
        "last_name": "Williams",
        "company": "360 Footwear",
        "attendee_type": "Speaker",
        "color": "#000000"
    "document": "base64 string.......",
    "size": "39.25 KB",
    "success": true,
    "transaction_id": "e40ec4a3-6786-474f-8648-d1d612ddc365"

# Template Example 2

The following request will create a shipping label as a PDF.

    "template": "shipping_label_4x3",
    "data": {
        "logo": "https://docamatic.s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/assets/360_logo.png",
        "sender": "360 Footwear, 787 Brunswick, Los Angeles CA 50028",
        "recipient": {
            "name": "Casey Williams",
            "address1": "57 Parkway, 5th Floor",
            "address2": "New York",
            "address3": "NY 10013"
        "reference": "1893",
        "weight": "1.5KG",
        "barcode": "18935949030329293"
    "document": "https://docamatic.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/prod/34e1e005-e58d-497c-955d-89c0cbbeefde/151a765f-b9xb-4af1-afdd-9863efe289bb.pdf",
    "size": "20.65 KB",
    "success": true,
    "transaction_id": "151a765f-b9xb-4af1-afdd-9863efe289bb"
POST /image
POST https://docamatic.com/api/v1/image

This endpoint allows you to generate an image or screenshot. The source parameter is the only mandatory body parameter. All other parameters are optional. Example requests can be found below this table.

Parameter Type Description
source string A valid URL or HTML.
file_type string Determines what type of file will be generated. Possible values are:
  • png
  • webp
  • jpg
media string Generate png using screen or print css media. Defaults to screen. Valid values are screen or print.
width number Image width.
height number Image height.
unit string Unit of measurement for width and height. Defaults to px. Possible values are:
  • px pixel
  • in inch
  • cm centimeter
  • mm millimeter
mobile boolean Whether the meta viewport tag is taken into account.
landscape boolean Specifies if viewport is in landscape mode.
full_page boolean When true, takes a screenshot of the full scrollable page.
test boolean Create a test image that does not reduce your production credits. Image created will have a "sample" watermark.
encode boolean Return the image as a base64 encoded string. Images over 4MB cannot be returned as base64. If over 4MB a URL will be returned instead.
webhook string A valid URL where we will send a POST request containing a JSON result. Your webhook should return a 200 status code.
quality float A value between 1 and 3. The higher the value the better the image quality. Please note increasing the quality makes the resulting file size larger.
clip object An object which specifies clipping region of the page. Requires the following fields:
  • x x-coordinate of top-left corner of clip area
  • y y-coordinate of top-left corner of clip area
  • width width of clipping area
  • height height of clipping area
grayscale boolean Generate the image in grayscale.
css string A valid URL pointing to a CSS file or a valid CSS string. Allows CSS to be injected to the page before the image is generated. Please note if supplying a URL to a CSS asset it must be publicly accessible.
accept_cookie_warning boolean Accept cookie consent notifications prior to generating the image. Unable to target all notifications by default but works for most. See click_elements for manual targeting.
click_elements array Click button or link elements. You can specify which elements to click by specifying the element's CSS class name or the text value of the element. For example, clicking two elements, one by text value and the other by class name: ["Button Text", ".button-class"]
name string A descriptive name for your image. Visible from within the dashboard.
auth object Allows an image to be created if source URL has been protected behind basic HTTP authentication. Requires:
  • username
  • password
s3 object Allows you to save directly to your own Amazon S3 bucket. Requires:
  • region
  • bucket
  • path (non mandatory)
See Document Storage for example .

# Image Example 1

The following request will generate an image using a URL passed via the source parameter. We have specified a grayscale , clipped image starting 130px from the top of the viewport, measuring 1440px by 400px.

    "source": "https://bbc.co.uk",
    "grayscale": true,
    "clip": {
    	"x": 0,
    	"y": 130,
    	"width": 1440,
    	"height": 400
        "document": "https://docamatic.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/48jKiT339w/11262019/341d581a-e6cf341a364e.png",
        "size": "393.52 KB",
        "success": true,
        "transaction_id": "341d581a-fe8c-425b-9c8c-e6cf341a364e"

# Image Example 2

The following example request will create a PNG that fits 4x6 inch dimensions. Raw HTML markup has been passed via the source parameter rather than a URL. The quality parameter has been set to 3 which will result in a higher resolution image. By setting the encode parameter to true, we will receive the resulting document as a base64 string.

    "source": "<html>Hello World!</html>",
    "width": 4,
    "height": 6,
    "unit": "in",
    "quality": 3,
    "encode": true
    "document": "base64 string.......",
    "size": "27.73 KB",
    "success": true,
    "transaction_id": "c09e4bd8-0244-4af6-8748-59cc1665f84d"
POST /write
POST https://docamatic.com/api/v1/write

This endpoint allows you to add text, images, barcodes and QR codes to an existing pdf document. Example requests can be found below this table.

Also, be sure to check out these short guides: Add text, images and barcodes to a PDF with a single API request and Stamp PDFs with an API Request .

Parameter Type Description
source string A URL pointing to a PDF or base64 string.
text object Text to add to the PDF:
  • text_value text string to add to the pdf
  • text_color hex code e.g. #cb4335
  • font font to use - defaults to "Arial". Supports "Arial", "Courier", "Helvetica", "Times", "PassionsConflict" or "ArchivoBlack"
  • font_size text size - defaults to 11pt
  • font_style (B)old, (I)talic, (U)nderline
  • text_x x coordinate for the text position (mm)
  • text_y y coordinate for the text position (mm)
  • text_page_number page to add text to
cells object Text cells that suppport line breaks and alignment:
  • width defaults to the right margin of the page
  • height defines the height of the cell (required)
  • align text alignment - defaults to justified: (L)eft, (C)enter, (R)ight, (J)ustified
  • text_value text string to add to the pdf
  • text_color hex code e.g. #cb4335
  • font font to use - defaults to "Arial". Supports "Arial", "Courier", "Helvetica", "Times", "PassionsConflict" or "ArchivoBlack"
  • font_size text size - defaults to 11pt
  • font_style (B)old, (I)talic, (U)nderline
  • cell_x x coordinate for the cell position (mm)
  • cell_y y coordinate for the cell position (mm)
  • border cell border e.g. 0.5
  • cell_page_number page to add cell to
images object Images to add to the PDF:
  • image_url image url
  • image_x x coordinate for the image position (mm)
  • image_y y coordinate for the image position (mm)
  • image_width width of the image
  • image_height height of the image
  • image_page_number page to add image to
barcodes object Barcodes to add to the PDF:
  • barcode_value a string e.g. "901193283"
  • barcode_x x coordinate for the barcode position (mm)
  • barcode_y y coordinate for the barcode position (mm)
  • barcode_width width of the barcode
  • barcode_height height of the barcode
  • barcode_page_number page to add barcode to
qr_codes object QR codes to add to the PDF:
  • qr_code_value a string e.g. "https://google.com"
  • qr_code_x x coordinate for the QR position (mm)
  • qr_code_y y coordinate for the QR position (mm)
  • qr_code_size size of the QR code
  • qr_code_page_number page to add barcode to
test boolean Create a test document that does not reduce your production credits. Document created will have a "sample" watermark.
encode boolean Return the document as a base64 encoded string. Documents over 4MB cannot be returned as base64. If over 4MB a URL will be returned instead.
webhook string A valid URL where we will send a POST request containing a JSON result. Your webhook should return a 200 status code.
name string A descriptive name for your document. Visible from within the dashboard.
s3 object Allows you to save directly to your own Amazon S3 bucket. Requires:
  • region
  • bucket
  • path (non mandatory)
See Document Storage for example .

# Write to PDF Example 1

The following request will add text, an image, a barcode and a QR code to an existing PDF document. The existing PDF to be written to has been passed via the source parameter as a URL. Text will be written to the PDF using default font family Arial in the default color black. A custom font size of 24 has been supplied. The x and y parameters are used to position the text on the page. As the page_number parameter has not been passed, the text will be added to all of the pages on the PDF. The page_number parameter has been specified for barcode and QR code, meaning they will only be displayed on page 2.

        "source": "https://docamatic.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/assets/write-to-pdf-demo.pdf",
        "text": [
                "text_value": "Hello world!",
                "font_size": 24,
                "text_x": 18,
                "text_y": 100
        "cells": [
                "height": 8,
                "align": "C",
                "text_value": "This is cell Line 1\nThis is cell Line 2",
                "text_color": "#CC0000",
                "cell_x": 0,
                "cell_y": 110
        "images": [
                "image_url": "https://docamatic.com/apple-touch-icon.png",
                "image_width": 20,
                "image_height": 20,
                "image_x": 18,
                "image_y": 140
        "barcodes": [
                "barcode_value": "90337210573",
                "barcode_width": 64,
                "barcode_height": 20,
                "barcode_x": 60,
                "barcode_y": 140,
                "barcode_page_number": 2
        "qr_codes": [
                "qr_code_value": "https://google.com",
                "qr_code_size": 20,
                "qr_code_x": 160,
                "qr_code_y": 140,
                "qr_code_page_number": 2
    "document": "https://docamatic.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/prod/34e1e005-e58d-497c-955d-89c0cbbeefde/151a765f-b9xb-4af1-afdd-9863efe289bb.pdf",
    "size": "30.95 KB",
    "success": true,
    "transaction_id": "851f765f-b9xb-4af1-af11-9863efe28922"

# Write to PDF Example 2

The following example request will add two text strings to an existing PDF document. The existing PDF to be written to has been passed via the source parameter as base64 encoded PDF string. The first text element added to the PDF will be writted using a custom color and font family "Courier". The text style has been defined (B)old, (U)nderline, (I)talic. By specifying the page_number parameter, the first text element will only be written to the first page of the PDF. By setting the encode parameter to true, we will receive the resulting document as a base64 string.

    "source": "base64 encoded PDF.......",
    "text": [
            "text_value": "I love PDFs :D",
            "text_color": "#FF0000",
            "font": "courier",
            "font_size": 16,
            "font_style": "BUI",
            "text_x": 120,
            "text_y": 80,
            "text_page_number": 1
            "text_value": "PDFs rock",
            "text_x": 120,
            "text_y": 85
    "encode": true
    "document": "base64 string.......",
    "size": "128.28 KB",
    "success": true,
    "transaction_id": "x09e4bd8-0243-4af6-8748-79cc16659f89"
POST /merge
POST https://docamatic.com/api/v1/merge

This endpoint allows you to merge together multiple PDF documents. Example requests can be found below this table.

Parameter Type Description
files array An array of PDF URLs or base64 strings.
test boolean Create a test document that does not reduce your production credits. Document created will have a "sample" watermark.
encode boolean Return the document as a base64 encoded string. Documents over 4MB cannot be returned as base64. If over 4MB a URL will be returned instead.
webhook string A valid URL where we will send a POST request containing a JSON result. Your webhook should return a 200 status code.
name string A descriptive name for your document. Visible from within the dashboard.
s3 object Allows you to save directly to your own Amazon S3 bucket. Requires:
  • region
  • bucket
  • path (non mandatory)
See Document Storage for example .

# Merge PDF Example 1

The following request will merge together 3 PDF documents. The PDFs are passed via the files parameter as an array. PDF files can be supplied as a URL or base64 string.

        "files": [
            "base64 encoded string..."
    "document": "https://docamatic.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/prod/34e1e005-e58d-497c-955d-89c0cbbeefde/151a765f-b9xb-4af1-afdd-9863efe289bb.pdf",
    "size": "30.95 KB",
    "success": true,
    "transaction_id": "851f765f-b9xb-4af1-af11-9863efe28922"

# Merge PDF Example 2

The following request will merge together 2 PDF documents. By setting the encode parameter to true, we will receive the resulting document as a base64 string.

        "files": [

        "encode": true
    "document": "base64 string.......",
    "size": "128.28 KB",
    "success": true,
    "transaction_id": "x09e4bd8-0243-4af6-8748-79cc16659f89"
POST /encrypt
POST https://docamatic.com/api/v1/encrypt

This endpoint allows you to password protect an existing pdf document. Example requests can be found below this table.

Parameter Type Description
source string A URL pointing to a PDF or base64 string.
password string The password that you would like to set. If test is true, password will always be "docamatic_sample".
encryption string Set the encryption strength. Defaults to 256bit.
  • AES_128 - 128bit AES (requires Acrobat >= 7)
  • AES_256 - 256bit AES (requires Acrobat >= X)
test boolean Create a test document that does not reduce your production credits. Password will always be "docamatic_sample".
encode boolean Return the document as a base64 encoded string. Documents over 4MB cannot be returned as base64. If over 4MB a URL will be returned instead.
webhook string A valid URL where we will send a POST request containing a JSON result. Your webhook should return a 200 status code.
name string A descriptive name for your document. Visible from within the dashboard.
s3 object Allows you to save directly to your own Amazon S3 bucket. Requires:
  • region
  • bucket
  • path (non mandatory)
See Document Storage for example .

# Encrypt PDF Example 1

The following example request will password protect an existing PDF document using the default 256bit AES encryption.

    "source": "https://example.com/example.pdf",
    "password": "pw123#"
    "document": "https://docamatic.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/48jKiT339w/11262019/941d581a-e6cf341a3647.pdf",
    "size": "77.73 KB",
    "success": true,
    "transaction_id": "941d581a-fe8c-425b-9c8c-e6cf341a3647"

# Encrypt PDF Example 2

The following example request will password protect an existing PDF document using 128bit AES encryption. The PDF to be password protected has been passed via the source parameter as base64 encoded PDF string. By setting the encode parameter to true, we will receive the resulting document as a base64 string.

    "source": "base64 encoded PDF.......",
    "password": "pw123#",
    "encryption": "AES_128",
    "encode": true
    "document": "base64 string.......",
    "size": "77.73 KB",
    "success": true,
    "transaction_id": "by9e4bd8-0244-4af6-8748-59cc1665f84d"
DELETE /delete
DELETE https://docamatic.com/api/v1/delete

This endpoint allows you to delete a file from storage. Please note that all files are automatically deleted after your defined storage period (set within the dashboard).

# Example Delete Request

The following request will delete a file from storage. The response will advise if deletion was succcessful and the URL of the document deleted.

    "transaction_id": "8a953f9c-6a97-4453-ba49-092c7f8a28f5"
    "message": "Delete successful",
    "url": "https://docamatic.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/ty372j6F/12042019/8a953f9c-6a97-4453-ba49-092c7f8a28f5.pdf",
    "success": true
GET /credits
GET https://docamatic.com/api/v1/credits

This endpoint provides a summary of your API usage for the current billing period. Assuming a monthly limit of 1000 requests, after 250 production requests:

        "production": {
            "limit": 1000,
            "used": 250,
            "remaining": 750
        "test": {
            "limit": 1000,
            "used": 0,
            "remaining": 1000
        "period_start": "2019-12-30 00:00:00",
        "period_end": "2020-01-30 23:59:59"