Visitor Pass Template

Generate this PDF document with a simple API request or via Zapier

Visitor Pass

Example JSON

Below is the JSON used to create the visitor pass above. All the attributes within the data parameter are non-mandatory. Supply only what you want to populate on the document.

    "template": "visitor_pass",
    "data": {
        "photo": "",
        "qr": "10257877877",
        "name": "Casey Williams",
        "color": "#000000",
        "logo": ""


It's easy to change the look and feel of the visitor pass. The template API allows you to easily insert your own logo and specify a custom font.

    "template": "visitor_pass",
    "font": "Open Sans",
    "font_size": 0.9,
    "font_color": "#32325d",
    "data" : {...}

Generate as PDF or Image

By default all templates are generated as a PDF document. If you would like to generate as a PNG or WEBP image, supply the file_type parameter in your API request:

    "template": "visitor_pass",
    "file_type": "png",
    "data" : {...}

Auto Generate Visitor Passs with Zapier

Not a developer? No problem! Docamatic's Zapier integration allows you to easily generate visitor passs without coding.

Zapier and Docamatic

Need a custom template?

If you prefer to build your own templates or require more flexibility, be sure to try our HTML to PDF API . We are using the same HTML to PDF API to generate the visitor pass above!

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