Zapier integration now available
You can now integrate your Docamatic account into Zapier. That means you can create powerful new workflows by passing documents created by Docamatic into other applications that you use.
What is Zapier?
If you haven't heard of Zapier before, it's an online automation tool that connects over 1,500 different apps together. This allows you to automate tasks without any coding and without developers creating specific integrations. You can get a free account (with a limited number of workflows), as well as premium accounts for larger businesses.
What can I do with it?
For example, every time a new document is created via Docamatic, you may want to upload it to Dropbox, attach and send it via Gmail and import it to your CRM application. All of this without any manual intervention! There are lots of different possibilities. Check out all the different apps that Zapier integrates with here.